TrailerTREK Towbars – Motorhome check list

Always check your motorhome, caravan or car before venturing off on tour.
Most caravans and motorhomes are left in storage for large parts of the year and as soon as the weather come and the holidays are with us we want to get out and use them.
Make sure everything is safe, working and reliable for your journey.

Ensure you do a visual check of your motorhome and look for any signs of damage or deterioration. Always wash your motorhome as this aids your inspection and allows you to get up close and personal with it.
Clean the inside carpets, cupboards, and lockers with a damp cloth. Make sure you check for damp as this will need further investigation.
Check windows and open them along with roof vents. Lift cushions, bedding and give them a thorough air.
Check your saftey devices e.g. fire extinguishers, CO alarm, smoke alarm and that they are functioning and have new batteries in them.
Check that your 12v electrics, mains electrics, gas, eater, fridge and oven are working correctly.
Ensure your water system is sterilised as this will give you protection from water borne viruses.
Motorhome Road Worthiness

Minimum checks required:-
Check tyres – pressure and condition including wear, deformation and tread depth. Check torque settings on tyres to be super safe on the road.
Brakes – make sure they are not seized and are operating correctly including the hand brake.
Always check your road lights are functioning correctly
Ensure the hitch is clean and moves freely back wards and forwards and that the brake away cable is in good condition.
Check the towing electric plug and make sure that the steadies are not corroded and will retract fully.
Always check the tow socket on your towcar and remove any towball corrosion.
If you’ve changed your car then make sure the motorhome or caravan number plate match up correctly.
Ensure that you have checked the wipers, fluid levels , battery charge, check for any fuel leakage,and that the exhaust is clear of debris.
Take extra care when manoevering out of storage as you may be a bit rusty.
If you can get your motorhome serviced before you head out this is recommended.
Have a great holiday and stay safe…
From the Trailertrek Team…