TrailerTREK Towbars – Stop Theives Stealing Your Caravan or Motorhome.

Stop Thieves Stealing Your Caravan

Security Advice For Your Caravan or Motorhome.

Its a sad fact of life that if you have a caravan or motorhome then you may be a victim of crime. Criminals target desirable high value things and it is your job to make it as hard a possible for them to steal them from you.

More and more people are wanting towbar’s and electrics and we are finding that a lot of people are turning to caravanning / motorhoming as a great way of having a socially distant break. The thefts of units were during the first part of 2020 quite low but as more people start using there vans as flights abroad are curtailed we may see an uprise in thefts and we need you to make it as hard for theives as possible to take your pride and joy.

Don’t make it easy for theives – secure your pride and joy.

So what can you do – reduce the attractiveness of stealing your rig…

  1. Store your outfit somewhere secure
  2. Outfits are vulnerable when not in use so make sure your storage facility is secure
  3. Keep your caravan out of sight if possible
  4. Use good quality mechanical security devices e.g. hitch lock / wheel clamps / wheel locks / remove wheels. Sold secure GOLD are great but also look at Diamond standard wheel locks or the Dutch SCM
  5. Ensure you fit security devices in motorway service stations or campsites as it is so easy to hitch up and drive off.
  6. Ensure your caravan is CRIS registered
  7. Keep your insurance up to date
  8. Monitored alarms are best but any alarm fitted is better than no alarm
  9. Trackers are great but they can be expensive but it depends what price you put on your rig.
  10. Watch our for suspicious behaviour and report to Police
  11. Keep your registration details elsewhere
  12. Make note of your VIN number

Don’t Make It Easy For Theives

Don’t forget to lock your bikes up too….!!!!
Professional Towbar Fitting
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